Thursday 28 May 2009

Snow Angel

For all those that have queried the exact nature of the small and aggressive Angel, I have uploaded this photograph of her taken by Middle Daughter in the snow. It is quite reasonable camouflage. Those offspring of hers are six weeks old today and must be hungry as she has been in for food four times so far and the day is only half begun.

Friday 22 May 2009

Angel: An Update

Her ladyship is gaining weight again and has still not brought her offspring home. I was considering renaming her Attila the Hun as she engages with the cat flap in the manner of a battering ram. This ensures that I fall out of bed and rush to the door. Today this occurred at ten minutes to three am. She repeated it at six as well but by that time middle daughter was up and cat feeding. There has been one successful entry made and we suspect that her small size is causing a problem with coming in, as the gap between the flap and the ground is rather large. I may install a step for her.

The building works continue unabated next door and the banging has been horrendous. They also have a masonry drill that was chewing its way through the brickwork yesterday. I was heard to mutter that if it broke through my wall I would charge them rent. The noise and general melee of male builders has upset some of the cats, Angel included, so we see little of them during the working hours. I suspect that this is the main reason for no kittens appearing but she is going to have to make a decision regarding them soon as at five weeks they should be weaning.

The house cats appear to have declared a state of truce with her for the present. I suspect that they are all exhausted from swearing at each other and the odd chase. There was a storm brewing yesterday and in the manner of cats they were rushing about play chasing. Angel was most stunned by this behaviour and probably will try and curtail such action in her own family. She has started purring like mad at the sight of me (Or is it the food sachets?) Hmmmm.

Mimi; An Obituary

The one plus of being in poor health is it gives you time to reflect on life, the universe and the nature of cheese. I have had a fun filled week with yet another hospital visit where after I fainted. This was mainly due to the fact that I have a flu style virus although I do not feel that it has porcine connotations. I managed to miss circle yet again and in place of that delight I was woken by some of the local youths who had witnessed a cat being run over and thoughtfully carried it to my door. The young man and his companions were very distressed and thinking about it in retrospect he must have been heavily blood stained. There was nothing that could have been done as from the injury I conjectured that the poor thing had died instantly. He was not one of my cats but a regular visitor. We had originally named him ‘Hissy Fit’ as he had a strange guttural hiss, the like of which I had never come across. From the manner in which he lunged at food we decided that someone was not feeding him.

I traced him to a Somalian family living some ten houses away and one of their neighbours told me that he often came into their house for a feed as well. He used our cat flap to the manner born and he did not harass my cat family unduly so I did not mind the odd plateful. He was about three years old and once I had established that his actual name was Mimi (A strange name for a rather butch un-neutered male) I proceeded to call him by this. He only responded if I said it in a way that mimicked Somalian speech, which reminded me of how French cats sound French when they meow and to some extent, explained his strange hiss.

Unfortunately the family moved about six weeks ago and he was left behind. A cat basket was visible through the windows of their house so the intent to take him seemed obvious. I can only surmise that they had to make a move and he was not around at that time. He came twice a day after this and also made an appearance at one of my neighbour’s houses that borders the main road where he met his end. She named him ‘Del Boy’ after the character in ‘Only Fools and Horses’ and this strangely suited him. I have not yet been able to tell her that he has passed away as my virus is keeping me housebound at the present. I did make a foray into the wood that I jokingly call a garden and buried him under the lilac bushes. He will be missed as he was such a character but we do suspect that Angel’s offspring may show similar genetic traits. Time will tell.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

A Medium Day Out

On Saturday I went to the Stanstead Hall for the first of their weeklong open days. Stanstead Hall is the seat of the Arthur Findlay College and belongs to the SNU. The day included many lectures and demonstrations culminating in an evening demonstration of mediumship with Tony Stockwell and Mavis Pittilla. The day was bright and sunny with just a little breeze. The grounds were stunning and beautifully maintained, the main drawback being a journey around the M25 to Stanstead.

Trevor who is our circle leader set up the visit and he arranged to pick up Carol and myself to drive us there. I have often thought of attending the college for either a day or week course but the cost is rather prohibitive if you are of straightened means, or relying on self-employment, although people do manage to come from all over the world to stay there for weeklong courses.

Trevor has been there for a few courses over the years and is on good terms with some of the best tutors so we had some guidance as to which lectures and demonstrations were the most productive for us as a circle to attend. One of his friend’s from those courses was also there with her circle and we joined forces for most of the time apart from occasional meal breaks.

I have been trying to articulate exactly what I got from the day and it is proving difficult. I was extremely tired by the time that we arrived back and I am still, to an extent, digesting the contents of the day. Small flashbacks are occurring and gradually I am piecing together the whole. I suppose it would help to talk about it to the others and see what they recollected.

We saw a trance medium working and also had out consciousness raised. (I fell asleep during the latter which says very little for the level of my consciousness) We also experienced claustrophobia from the number of people thronging the hallways and lecture rooms. There was a restaurant and also a marquee had been set up in the grounds to serve snacks and hot drinks as a form of overspill. They made most of the pastries served there, on the premises, and the Cornish pasties in particular, looked delicious. I had thoughtfully made myself some pasta and gravilux with salad for lunch so I did not participate in tasting the other delights.

Trevor purchased the consciousness raising CD so that we can practice it in the circle. As it is circle tonight I am looking forward to the extra sleep and may take my pillow with me.

Angel Update

Angel has still not condescended to bring her children home for a meal. She is visiting three times a day for food and consuming most of it in the kitchen rather than al fresco as in the past. She was even tolerant of the door blowing shut as we have had strong winds of late. I know have offers on two more kittens as long as they are female. Hopefully the kittens will appreciate my efforts even if Angel does not.

The builders next door seem to have demolished most of the houses internal structure. I am really curious as to what they are planning to do with the remaining shell. Unfortunately for me they have white washed the windows. Sometimes life is very unfair.

Monday 4 May 2009

The Beginning and an Overview

Although I officially met the Dragon at the local Dance School, I also had seen her in the local Wholesalers. I was I admit somewhat surprised when I read somewhere in her ramblings that she had always held management positions. I knew that she was for some years the receptionist at an opticians and at the Wholesalers she was one of the people that picked out the goods ordered by postal and similar clients as well as the goods needed by the shops that the wholesaler owned, her sister being the actual wholesale manager. There were brief periods of other work at the British Telecom offices where she was in a clerical position and then with an Egyptian travel company where for a short time before they became bankrupt, she was the administrative manager. The final official working position, apart from the self employed card manufacture and the Triangle of Life, which effectively collapsed, was as the main administration for her friend’s plumbing concession that also collapsed within a year of being implemented.

There is, of course, the brief interlude that has been mentioned by a YouTube member named Mandelajo that is something that I may write about at another time but this too was certainly not of the managerial nature. Therefore I can state effectively that during the time that I was officially one of the Dragon’s ‘friends’ that I did not really know of her holding any management position that I would as a professional person deem to be such.

However, when we write our own stories we do need that leeway of elastication that allows some of our truth through and gives the fantasy extrudation a space to breathe. But I can only state that I originally knew the Dragon more through her work at the local wholesalers, where I was sometimes a client, as I ran a small stall at the Dance School and also sold party plan for a while whilst I was a self-employed designer.

They say that “Needs must when the Devil drives”; so perhaps that also provides the area of fabrication and elasticity around the Dragon’s truths. How can I say, as I am no longer au fait with her immediate mindset? The one thing that I am certain of from my acquaintance with psychological analysis, is that many people need to establish a place of safety where they appear to be effective and to have contributed to society (witness many of our politicians and their need for aggrandizement). We are human and humans do have the drive to show themselves as functioning on more than a mundane level, particularly when they have nothing else in their psychological make-up to project as a lasting image of contribution to life itself.

I knew that some time in the past she had joined a group who looked at esoteric phenomena and that she no longer liked to participate in such matters. I knew that she had a computer and that she was linked to the Internet but that she rarely used it for anything other than playing solitaire or scrabble. It must be some twelve to thirteen years now since I first discovered Delphi, a psychic chat site. I talked Dragon into going into this and having a look around. She obviously liked what she found there as she stayed and in time became regarded as almost an oracle by many of the staff and members. During this period we attended ‘Meets’ in Wales, Birmingham and Luton with other members and some friendships were formed. It was at the Luton ‘Meet’ that she became truly acquainted with the now owner of Mediumystics, who had traveled there with her husband to be and two of her children. At some point around this time she was also one of the Delphi group that attended Stanstead Hall on one of their open days and her photograph was taken with some of the Delphi mediums and the owners of the Delphi site. Unfortunately things turned suddenly awry when there was a major reshuffle of staff members in Delphi and many of us who were not staff but ordinary members, were deemed superfluous by a woman known as Psyche. It was from this expulsion that Mediumystics was created, originally by a lady known as Aphrodite with the help of the now owner. Afterwards, when it had been commercialized to an extent, she sold out to the now owner.

I was staff for a while but eventually I left and joined another site named Spirit and Soul that was more user friendly. It was a very well constructed site as the owner had built it for his wife who was a psychic, although much of the time she was too ill to use it. As it had so much effort put into it, there were groups attracted to the facilities that tried to take it over. I always found this odd as all sites have an owner and the owner should be the one appointing staff as after all the owner is the one paying the hosting. The Internet does not sprout sites willy-nilly for the sake of those that feel they need to feed their egos. But such people still exist and still try and storm the palisades. Sometimes they destroy by attacking all and sundry so that people coming to find comfort are driven away. Many good small sites have come and gone in the years since I have been on the Internet and it is a shame that they have gone and that people feel the need to attack those to whom they should feel related. I have also seen other sites where the original staff members have walked away in disgust when owners have taken a back seat against the more virulent attackers and then the lunatics truly do end up running a mad house.

I no longer frequent Psychic sites although I am welcomed to the circles on some of the better ones.