Friday 14 August 2009

It Will Not All Come Out In The Wash

There are days when you ask yourself why? I guess this has become one of those days. It started pleasantly enough with much kitten entertaining. There were some off colour clouds on the horizon but not enough to take my spirits totally over. I was considering some work on the forest but first I needed to start the washing machine, which I did. I noticed that it was behaving strangely and then that the drum was not turning. I stopped the machine. I pumped the water out. I checked the pump trap and found the curtain clips that had been going missing. I started the machine. I stopped the machine. I tried all the different programmes. I pumped even more water out.

Eureka said a voice in my head it must be that belt thing. I dragged the machine out from its position under the work top. This left me feeling faint. I took up my trusty collection of screwdrivers and discovered that the fiends who construct washing machines do not use normal screws. Stumped for a short while I investigated the cost of washing machines on the Internet and in a catalogue. One of the local super stores seemed to have the best deal, but then I remembered that I had some amazingly odd screw pieces in with my new hammer drill. I unpacked them all and yes I had the perfect bit to open up the machine. I manoeuvred it into a position that was reachable but it did put a lot of pressure on my knees. I was feeling distinctly unhappy crouched under the work top trying to dismantle the beast but eventually I did and I replaced the fan belt. Then I had to get everything back into place and this took what felt like hours. I started the machine. The drum did not function. I drained the machine and resigned myself to a bearing problem. Defeat was inevitable.

I went back to the Internet and with many misgivings ordered a new washing machine from the well known company. Free delivery it said. Well only if I wanted to wait a week. Why was that not up front with the other information? I paid the delivery charge as it was necessary to finish the washing and do some three other loads. It was all in order and I printed out my confirmation. Did I actually say confirmation? Did they call it confirmation? Why yes they did do so. Odd then that I received an automatic email stating that it was not in stock and that one of their amazing customer advisors would contact me within twenty four hours to discuss alternatives. Did they imagine I buy washing machines on a whim? Did they think I might choose them to match my shoes and handbags? Had it not crossed someone in head offices mind that certain people buy machines because they need them and they need them as soon as possible? I have no alternative but to wait. I have a washing line covered in sodden, dirty, soapy washing. I did have things to do that rated some importance today. It would seem that it is not to be. The one certainty is that I will not be buying anything else from the well known retailer with country wide stores.

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