Thursday 26 March 2009

Flies on the Dung Heap: with apologies to Zola

Sometimes the things that we do are amusing but in themselves silly. Sometimes what we do is hurtful but does not sink to the level of being disgusting. It is always better not to hurt people and it is also better not to gauge their level and drop lower. But what do you do when there is no recourse other than to speak out against their nastiness. I feel that for a spiritual person this requires a degree of restraint and also it should not involve other people as in other than those who have struck the first blow. It would be lovely to turn the other cheek, but then we live in a world of rabid barracudas and small minds who fester and grow with their bullying techniques and attempts at distortion and invalidation using technology to oppress and demean.

What I saw today will haunt me as probably the lowest that these sick beings can sink to. All children have a right to be treated as innocent and vulnerable not exploited by twisted and manic minds and used for the furtherance of a so called spiritual site. A site I might add that is supposedly in the honour of one of their father’s who must be writhing in his grave at this excess of perversion.

They have already made jokes about a baby whose organs were removed in the Alder Hay scandal. They have made suggestive and sickening remarks regarding a young schoolgirl. All of this despite their statements that the police are investigating and that they have legal representatives working on it. I am sure that if they have, all of these people are as disgusted and horrified as I am at the depths to which they have plunged themselves. So now to their sins they have added child pornography.

Why are they doing this? The very woman who hit out at myself also drew the woman, whose child has been demeaned by these perverts, into this argument. They are attempting to use her as a tool to hurt yet another woman who had the courage to stand up and be counted against their evil ways. This latest horror is a direct result of her not becoming their weapon of choice. How dare they create victims and then victimize them further with their obscenities. May God have mercy on their sick souls.

Why am I surprised at this behaviour? I guess it is because I do not believe that people that I have known are capable of this but the evidence is there and it is clearly stated by the moronic trio that they employ to do their bestial work, that they are involved. Why I have any faith left in people that hit out at myself for no reason other than their petulant bitterness I am also at a loss to qualify.

I could have died through the machinations of one of this group’s leaders but have I been apologized to? No, I have been slandered further for daring to speak up with the real truth. Yes real truth. I have no reason to lie or misrepresent anything to anyone and I have held back from tales that are truly horrible but would effect the well being of those innocent.

Innocent is as innocent does. My next blogs may well be encompassing the reality behind a certain persons ‘innocent’ behaviour.

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