Friday 13 March 2009

Having Your Sponge and Eating it Too.

Originally I found Delphi through typing psychic into Google. It was very exciting to find that there were places like it on the Internet, and at the time I thought that it was the only one. Such innocence was soon dispelled but it was certainly the biggest and busiest. This is going back some ten to eleven years ago.

I knew that Dragon had a computer but she did not really use the Internet that much. Although she had given up reading seriously many years back before I knew her she did still talk a lot about reincarnation and where she had lived in previous lives, however there was little real contact with the psychic side of things apart from attempts to guess the sex of babies (I did tell her it was a girl and I tried not to rub it in when it was.)

Therefore armed with a mission I descended on her house and introduced her to the delights of the psychic chat room. Yes I do have an awful lot to answer for and for all those that have suffered through my ill thought out act I humble beg forgiveness.

Anonymity allows one to be whatever one wishes to be and if you work hard at it you can create a wonderful new personality in a chat room. It also allows you to meet new and interesting people and this Dragon did. She was very popular with many at Delphi including the manager who was then called ‘Mother’. Craig eventually went potty over mythical names and renamed her Aphrodite. Kathryn was her second in command then and she was one who had come in seeking solace after her father’s death. Neither appeared to have any psychic ability. Eventually the site was disemboweled in a coup by a medium called Psyche. She was not a pleasant person and as her first act she banned everyone who had any loyalty to Aphrodite and also anyone who might possibly be a better medium than she was. (This was not difficult.)

So there we all were huddled together in MSN. Aphrodite decided to set up a new chat room called Mediumystics and this she did with Kathy’s help. It was wonderful until Aphrodite was ill and then fun and games broke lose in the chat room and new ideas that were lacking somewhat in spirituality were pushed through. Aphrodite was incensed when she came back and sold the chat room to Kathy in disgust.

Dragon had made a special friend in Delphi. She spent a lot of time talking both in pm and on the telephone to him and this continued with him actually coming down to London for the weekend. However it became too serious and he was talking of leaving his wife and moving in with her so she stopped the relationship. He was extremely upset. Dragon meanwhile had made another special friend, or so she hinted to me and then suddenly there was no more innuendos linking their names and she spoke of yet another who had the same sense of humour as she and how they got on so famously but in this case she was worried that his partner might become jealous. I was fast coming to the conclusion that she sought out this type of situation and I do admit that although I could sympathize with her first affair that it did seem to be getting slightly out of control.

I had left Mediumystics before some of these later events occurred so I had no opportunity to verify much of this at first hand, so to speak, but I do believe that she fully felt that she was telling me the truth when she boasted of her conquests. It makes me glad that I did leave as to be honest I do not see such actions as being right in a supposed spiritual setting.


  1. Wierd I remeber Psyche cant say i remeber aphrodite thu at those names. i left delphi after finding out how controlling it was, eg the only book we could talk about were the ones written by Craig.
    i recently got banned from MM i think after 4 or so years because i had Jill as a friend on you tube and i asked on a you tube comment if some old staff members from there had been banned.

  2. Aphrodite was a brilliant manager but not psychic so she had no agenda. Psyche had a real problem, she was afraid her husband would leave her and afraid anyone else might be better. She was very sad in reality but quite viscous in fact.

  3. Thankfully i never had the pleasure of meeting Psyche :-)

    I wish i could say the same about dragonalady at times - but then i think i would never have met so many lovely ppl.

