Monday 9 March 2009

Truth, Lies and Internetscape

I would like to thank 4nnie71(who also appears to be ravenspirit and also some one called Lucy) and her good friend Pooh for setting up a blog site where I could obtain a copy of this statement from the Dragon that had previously been deleted from the Mediumysticss blog site for some unknown reason. Thank you so much and I am sure that Dragon appreciates all that you have done for her.

I quote "This I swear on all i hold sacred to me. You mis read what was written on a blog. Jill was challenging me to go on JK, my response was I would not have so little dignity as I considered it a bear baiting pit and I still do. Never will you find i said anything about chav's and scum. Read through jillstruth it was Raiden that said that. Max you can shout your ill informed mouth off about me all you like, but don't you dare bring my family and children into this again. You again have false information fed to you and as always as you are the weakest link they give you the bulletts and you fire them. You are a loose cannon max and they know it. My son's token prison sentence is no secret and I have never hidden it and nor has he, to put the record straight the judge at the trial said the worst he could say was he was a fool for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and there were no proceeds of crime as he had nothing to do with the dealers. As they all got 15 years and he had 7 months I think that speaks for itself. So think carefully before you libel people in public again Max. " end quote

And Now some of the Real Truth

Many years ago Dragon’s son sold his house to buy his best friend ‘S’ out of a close corner in South America. He was therefore owed quite a large financial amount in return. He received a set amount of money per week and of course his regular own use supply. I had met ‘S’ a few times at Dragon’s house and she was on very friendly terms with him and his lady friend. The real luck on the day of the raid went to Dragon’s son as he had nothing in his possession despite being the person who lived in the house for ‘S’, in order to safe guard the drugs that were kept in a locked room.

How then he managed to have nothing to do with his best friend the ‘dealer’ I am at a loss to say.

The local paper certainly gave this front page space so I doubt that Maxine was ill informed, that is of course unless the journalists were not doing their job correctly. I also feel that to state any prison sentence as a mere token is a bad reflection on some people’s attitude to crime and punishment. All prison sentences are for a good reason and that is to protect the public from those who cause harm.

I also fail to see how stating a known truth that has already been aired in the public domain sets Maxine up for a libel suit.

I quote "Also I did not make a threatening phone call to an ex friend of mine and if the police care to go and listen to it they will see that is so." end quote

No of course it was a friendly telephone call to let me know that people for some reason unknown to me, and people that I did not know had somehow conspired to spread rumours about me on the Internet.

However a few hours prior to this she had telephoned the president of the church that I am a member of and accused me of being linked to a lady called Maxine who I had only met once some eighteen months past. In this she stated that we had bandied the church’s name about on the Internet. (This I believe constitutes slander but then as our president is very ill I would not want to force her into a court situation.)

Imagine how that sounded to someone who was up and down to the local hospital undergoing tests prior to surgery. Someone who had not done anything to anyone, and who was also a pensioner. Someone who not only is suffering from a serious life threatening illness, but also high blood pressure and yes I too have been for the heart tests.

I feel that most people would think that they were being attacked and I knew that she knew I was unwell, as her sister had seen me in the hospital about a week before.

I quote "What was said as she had been a friend for more than 20 years and our children went to dancing school together, and she would spend countless hours every week in my home, I thought she should know her name was being bandied about the net and statements being made intimating they had come from her. I told her this and said I did not know if she was aware of it but in case she wasn't the police were involved. That was no threat that was a fact. " end quote

This section is really odd as when I approached the local police with a complain against her harassment they had trouble keeping a straight face and told me it was simply a civil matter and that I should just ignore her Internet ramblings. So how does she have an investigation going forward? Are there two sets of rules in this country? Am I not a pensioner in ill health too? Were the police her daughter and son-in-law who are merely army red caps or perhaps do they have friends in Acton police station? Why if she lives in Southall is Acton station involved when Southall is much larger? Perhaps I should contact my relatives in the police force regarding this.

I quote "I also at the beginning of january as I had, had enough of your lies contacted the president of SSC to confirm I had never been a member of their congregation, I had never been banned from there and also never been banned anywhere else in Middlesex and neither had any of my family. She confirmed this and has stated she will write a letter confirming it should i wish her to. So before you go listening to gossip max stop and think of peoples motives. I protected that womans back for 20 years to save her the pain of what people were saying about her. We would still be friends today if she had not come to a birthday party my daughter and son in law gave in my honour and got paraletically drunk and insulted my daughters fellow officers and friends under my daughters roof. I never argued with her my sister and I just gave her a lift home and i never spoke another word to her, i would still not have done so until she apologised to my daughter and son in law if i had not felt some compassion for those 20 years of friendship thrown away, and her name being dragged about the net. " end quote

There was nothing but her imagination to suggest that I was involved in her crusade so how nasty and spiteful to make such horrible statements. I have never wished to be involved with some of her particularly unbearable and low moral friends. (I would also like to point out that not all her friends are like that but that I knew that some were and that they delighted in such derogatory gossip.) Why would I care about the statements of evil gossipmongers and low life’s?

As to the pathetic excuse for a soiree check my previous blogs and in addition I have only a few words and these are Tesco Value Sponge.

Finally, her, and I must add badly spelled, statement was posted approximately one hour after I told her not to telephone me as I did not wish to be involved in whatever nastiness was going on and that I had sought legal advice. She then telephoned me back and tried to be really nice and supposedly caring but hey then she posted her little diatribe. What a wonderful, spiritual, person she truly is.

I had to be chauffeured to a committee meeting at my church. I had to go through the most awful nasty messages, left mostly I must add by members of her chat site, to uncover the fact that Dragon was the one who had named me and spoken out against our church. The committee also searched and found this to be true and they also found that Maxine and I had not been involved with each other but drawn into this conflict by the mind of this silly woman.

She was then sent a letter stating that they found no evidence against us and telling her not to drag our church’s name into disrepute.

My blood pressure then required complete bed rest prior to my operation and one weeks later, after even more bed rest, I finally posted a blog explaining some of her fantasies for what they were, at which she telephoned our president again to call me a drunk. (This is also slander.)

They actually had a good laugh at this, but did she stop for one moment to think that she was harassing our president who had just had surgery for breast cancer and was now undergoing radiotherapy? Not at all. No one matters apart from the Dragon.

1 comment:

  1. Im so glad i am not alone in my thoughts - but i am sorry that i am not the only one this vicious woman makes lies up about!

    She thought she was big and honourable writing that about "watching your back for 20yrs" But didn't realise that this statement just made look as if her "circle of friends" where nasty low life gossip mongers, just as she is!

    You know what P? Going on what i know of you now - i think she has moulded herself around wanting to be like you? But id' take that as a compliment, and not only that, she could never be half the woman you are hun!

    Also - the "Token" prison sentence? What is that all about? That again makes her look like the fool she is! So is she saying that the Judge was lenient on him? Is she saying that he did no wrong? If that were my child, i would not disown her, but i vertainly would not be making comments that make the crime less serious than what it was!

    Bless you P, this has taken you a lot of courage i suppose? I used to shake in my boots when i saw her name come in MM! LOL

    Not anymore though i might add xxxxx
