Monday 16 February 2009

A Brief History

I have not always been a person of vast years and even vaster proportions. Once upon a time back some thirty or more years ago I was slim and considered by many to be attractive. I had drawn my second daughter’s birth chart whilst still in the maternity hospital so I knew she had potential as a dancer. A friend of mine had enrolled her daughter in a local dance school and I thought this might prove a useful thing for myself to do. My daughter stayed and progressed, my friend’s dropped out preferring gymnastics. I joined a class for mothers that taught us modern dance and also one of the stretch classes. There was quite a strong clique of ladies who did not make newcomers welcome but I made friends with three who were also on the outskirts of the group. Times changed, people came and went. Eventually along came Dragon and her younger sister with their daughters. At this time I was established as the scenery designer for the dance school and I also collaborated on special effects and scenery for the theatre group. We had a male choreographer named Jerry and as he sang in a band and my then husband also ran a band we were good friends, supporting each other at gigs and working on committees together. I suppose I should add here that he was definitely a hunk and the ladies did lust after him to some extent.

Local factory owners originally built our local community center, for the benefit of their large number of employees, and it is a huge building. During the hay day of ballroom dancing it housed the world semi finals and people flew in from around the world to compete in the ballroom. The stage area was in size as large as many theatre stages. I was frequently the only person moving scenery and setting up backdrops so it was tiring and I also never got to see the shows from the audiences’ perspective.

I was more than happy to have help from some of the other parents but mostly they wanted to sit and gossip whilst they waited for lessons to finish. I must have seemed privileged to have a closer relationship with the Dance School head although it was in truth a business one more than a friendship. I knew that there was a certain set that seemed antagonistic towards me for what ever their reasons were and I also knew that many who sought me out were doing so because I was good at predicting future events. To be honest I had little in common with anyone there and it was no great discomfort to me that I was not invited to Tupperware style parties or similar social gatherings. I worked, I had my family to take care off and I also had an allotment that took up a fair amount of my free time. If they wished to talk about me behind my back it was certainly nothing for me to become upset about. My daughter became firm friends with Dragon’s daughter and in time I discovered two things in common with Dragon. She had worked as a reader and she also liked opera.

I must point out to anyone who is reading this and is not psychic that years ago it was difficult to find other psychics, and being psychic can be a hard lonely place. We tended to frighten people as if they suspected us of knowing everything about them and there were others who wanted to use our ability without respecting our humanity.
Through our daughters’ friendship I was invited to occasional family parties and social gatherings. We used to gather for an Indian style meal in the spring when we would all cut back the gardens for Dragon. I did not have any other friend’s in common with her and to be honest our interactions were sporadic. Some of the set that she was close to had no qualms in allowing their husband’s to touch other women in an intimate manner and this was a style of behaviour that I personally found offensive.

I had another daughter and this gradually caused me to back away from the Dance School and the committee work. Other interests came into my life and the older girls had a falling out that took me out of regular contact with Dragon for a few years. My marriage ended and I eventually retired so that there was more free time on my hands and I again resumed my visits to her home, although more often than not I would see her in the chat rooms that we were now working in. We collaborated on the Triangle of Life project and I did put a lot of effort into the CD book, largely as it brought my daughter’s artistic ability to a wider audience. Yes I have been her chief confidante and yes there are things that I will not tell here or anywhere else. In her diatribe of accusations she tells how she shielded me from other people’s nastiness. I can translate that from Dragon speak and what it means is her friends said nasty things about me and she kept quiet because to defend me would have put her on the outside of the group and she cannot abide that.

1 comment:

  1. Hun - i am far from the best psychic, and have only been developing it for the past 4 1/2yrs, as i had the ability from being a child and like you say others who don't understand it think your either "weird" or "making it up" or have a mental illness of somesort that makes you think you can hear or see dead ppl lol! (as non psychic ppl don't believe that life goes on after death)
    But one thing i will be my own admittance admit is, that am a very intuitive - and rarely get it wrong, unless a person is very closed of with their flow of energy - but that makes me wary anyway.
    A persons energy flows out of everything they do - and immediatly i knew by dragons energy that she was egotistical, dishonest, an inverted snob, and liked to be liked more than she liked to like. Oh and also lives in a complete fantasy world.
    Even someone who isn't a psychic can feel this oozing from her written words (trust me i have had many friends read what she has posted, and they all say the same).
    Your energy is that of an honest person - a loyal person, who has a cheeky side to them, but prefers not to be in the limelight. You are a private person, who will take a secret to the grave. As for an ego - i can honestly say i just don't feel one with you.

    I didn't believe for one moment that she defended you against these ppl who were obviously friends of hers to be talking about you, just shows yo her friends are gossip mongers.

    Which would explain her paranoia that ppl talk about her behind her back (she even was checking up on me to see if i had been lol) And i'd be very surprised if in her circle of friends they didn't all talk about each other amongst themselves.

    Gossiping is evil - and results in lies, and chinese whispers. There is nothing other than a bully that is more damaging than a gossip.

    Keep up the blog hun - we love it!
