Friday 13 February 2009

The Psychic Wars

How did I end up in the middle of what I have named ‘The Psychic Wars’? It is a little confusing at first but once you review all that has happened from both perspectives and sift through for the rationale behind the somewhat twisted thoughts of the Dragon, then you reach the conclusion that her favoured roost must contain no real psychics.

It would seem that in the beginning was Tweetie, a staff member who under an assumed name for her own safety, felt justified to confront the bullying actions that they saw from others in power. The hen house then erupted in a confusion of accusations that centered upon an ex staff member who had not been near the site in some two years.

The connotation of this action and the absurdity of those who took part in what was little more than an organized witch-hunt, resulted in the innocent lady taking space to supply proof that they were in the wrong. Ohhhhhh dear, another mistake from the infallible psychics. Where to turn next? Well if it was not she than it must be ………yes you have guessed it. Yet another ex member from around two years prior. Rather odd that they waited so long but then where is logic when the villagers are trying to burn down the supposed monster’s castle.

Somewhere in the middle of this chaos, a bright idea must have entered the Dragon’s head. Why not kill two birds with one stone. Throw in an ex staff member from six or so years back who is now also an ex friend. Why not leave a dubious message on her answer phone telling her that people are bandying her name about on the Internet and that it is all the fault of a lady that she has met through her church. Then even better why not find by fair means or foul the number of the church president first by pretending to be an ‘old friend of hers’ and then by scouring Southall to find someone that might know her. Once this is accomplished then one can tell the president that both women are working together and that they have bought the church into disrepute. Good thinking batman oops Dragon person.

Unfortunately for this notable psychic the president and various other people worked their way through the morass of hate and disgust that had been spread until they discover that it was indeed Dragon who had mentioned the church and Dragon who had slandered two of its members.

Also a point against any conspiracy theory is the fact that the paths of the supposed confederates has not crossed in some eighteen months and they met only briefly at that time in circumstances that Dragon had engineered to make it appear that she was getting information from her ex friend about the other church member and when confronted for this laughed openly at the discomfort she had caused.

Now you may be asking yourself how such a clever psychic managed to add two and two together and come up with ten. I personally think that she took the words of the first protagonist regarding knowing someone in Southall who had known Dragon for twenty years and decided that this must apply to the ex friend. This is thinking with blinkers firmly in place, as I have to admit much of her thinking does appear to be. The truth of the matter is that the council estate where Dragon was born and still lives is an old established conglomerate of families that went to school together, that have intermarried, whose children have dated other estate children and who know much of each others business. I admit that this makes it very hard for someone living in their own fantasy world to shine when many know the truth of their past. I too have heard things that I find strange and almost bizarre in connection with Dragon but then perhaps some people embellish, where they have only a minority of fact, with a lot of supposition.

Anyway it was rather inconvenient being dropped into the hell pit as I was in the middle of extensive tests at the local hospital and my blood pressure and cholesterol took a turn for the worst. It is hard enough waiting for surgical admittance, but when you fear the anaesthetic may precipitate a stroke courtesy of one woman’s vicious mind, it does concentrate one on wills, funeral arrangements, etc. (I would prefer chrysanthemums). I am slowly recovering from the procedure and hopefully the results will prove negative. I did take three days of bed rest to lower my blood pressure prior but after two such scares in the past nine months I am fairly fragile. The Dragon must have been aware I was not in good health as her sister saw me at the hospital out patients just before Christmas, but then who else matters apart from her.


  1. ((((((((Hug)))))))) And Healing Angels to you, you sweet soul xxxxx

    Please consider publishing this? You are a magnifisent writer, i can't wiat for the next entry, many others are watching hun xxxxxx

  2. Well there you go Dragon I am (Timetotelthetruth)
    as i did tnen, now, and next.
    you gave it ya best shot!!!!
    but............ the bullet just shot ya??
    whos laughting LOL!!! now
