Sunday 15 February 2009

Spelling Mistakes

The education system in this country has seen massive changes over the past sixty odd years. At one point children took an examination called the eleven-plus and from the results of this either went to Secondary schools or grammar schools. The resulting exams again reflected difference in that Grammar school children sat GCEs and Secondary pupils sat CSEs. This inequality of education provision has largely been corrected and children are now expected to stay in the school system until they are sixteen. English is not the easiest of languages and it has a complex grammatical system that even degree-educated people sometimes find difficult to master. It would appear obvious then to make allowances for the written work of those who did not benefit from the earlier education systems and were not able to stay in education until at least their sixteenth birthdays.

However we do have devices such as spell check and it should be easy enough to correct spelling mistakes even though we are dealing with an American based form of the language. I was therefore disappointed to note that Dragon had created not only a new word but also a new spelling for it and used it in a context that would make it inapplicable. I refer to paraletically, as in her reference to myself being paraletically drunk and insulting her daughter and fellow officers et al. The correct usage of this word would be paralytic drunk. However this too cannot stand in the context used as to be paralytic drunk requires being supine and immobile. Unless one removed ones clothing and wrote insults on ones body prior to attaining paralysis it would seem impossible for one to achieve the act of insulting others.


  1. Omg - pmsl!!!!!!! I love it! I have only ever paralytic once - never again, as just as you say - it is impossible to even move. I thought i was dying the next day with alochol poisoning. So if you had the ability to walk to the car to go home i highly doubt you were paralysed with drink? Having said that - just because i began to stand up to dragonlady and her banshee's i was accused of being a bully! To be a bully, you gain a reputaion for it - and usually have many many victims (as dragonlady does) I have never in my entire life ever bullied anybody! If i had anything to hide, does she really think i'd be on the interent on one of the most publically famous sites on the net, under my REAL name if i was a notorious bully? Lol, she sure is in a fantasy world!
    Loving this, as many others are too - keep up the amazing blogs, its great therapy for you, and for us lol! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ((((((Hug))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. her son must have been drunk to spite at his mothers friend then throw his own mother out my god my sons wouldnt ever do that how disgusting its the way he was brought up just like many today no manners and her who walks round with its nose in the air thinking her shit dont smell well dragon your shit does smell

  3. standing up for yourslef jill does not make you a bully it says i wont take it anymore dragon im standing up to you now and telling people what you are behind that screen where you hide, so no you are not a bully jill but dragonsgob is!!!!
